Weekly Health Update #465

Health Alert: Sleep and Diet Can Increase Longevity. 
An analysis of data concerning over 13,000 older adults revealed that eating several servings of vegetables a day and sleeping 7-8 hours a night can reduce one’s risk for early death in the following six years by up to 34%. 
BMC Geriatrics, June 2021

Diet: Breastfeeding Promotes Healthier Blood Pressure for Children. 
Examinations of nearly 2,400 three-year-old children showed that those who were breastfed for any duration—even in just the first days of life—had lower blood pressure than the kids who had never breastfed. 
Journal of the American Heart Association, July 2021

Exercise: Neighborhood Characteristics Can Affect Hypertension Risk. 
Using data from two ongoing studies, researchers report that individuals living in neighborhoods that are more conducive to pedestrian traffic and have greater access to parks are less likely to have high blood pressure than those residing in areas with less greenspace and reduced walkability. 
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, August 2021

Chiropractic: Manual Therapy Techniques for Migraines. 
Among a group of 50 migraine patients, those treated with manual therapy once a week for four weeks experienced greater improvements in pain intensity, migraine disability, and quality of life than participants provided with a placebo/sham treatment. Doctors of chiropractic employ a variety of manual therapy techniques to treat patients with migraines and other types of headache. 
Musculoskeletal Science & Practice, August 2021 

Mental Attitude: Dementia Can Happen at Younger Ages. 
New research suggests that 5% of dementia cases occur in individuals under age 65 with 119 cases of early-onset dementia occurring for every 100,000 people globally. Researcher Dr. Stevie Hendriks adds, “We see that the first symptoms in young people are usually not the symptoms you would expect when you think of dementia… Instead of memory impairment, young people more often present with changes in behavior or emotions, or sometimes language problems.” 
JAMA Neurology, July 2021

Wellness/Prevention: Prevent Jock Itch. 
Tinea cruris, otherwise known as jock itch, is a fungal infection that can cause a red and itchy rash in warm and moist areas of the body, such as the groin. To prevent jock itch, the Mayo Clinic recommends the following: keep your groin area dry after exercise or showering; wear clean clothes that don’t chafe skin in the groin area; don’t share personal items (clothes or towels); and treat or prevent athlete’s foot because it can spread to the groin. 
Mayo Clinic, July 2021

Dr. Eric A. Lane

Chris/Heidi Powell from ABC's Extreme Weight Loss highly recommend Dr. Eric A. Lane (view endorsement). He has been serving Tucson, Arizona as a chiropractor/physician for over 25 years. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Lane by calling our office at 520.742.7785 or contact us.

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