Mental Attitude: Depression and High-Fat Diets.
In addition to causing obesity, rich foods can actually cause chemical reactions in the brain that ultimately lead to depression. Researchers observed that mice that received a higher-fat diet showed signs of being anxious by avoiding open areas, as well as signs of depression.
International Journal of Obesity, April 2012
Health Alert: Pediatric Blood Pressure!
A study of 2500 pediatric patient visits revealed that doctors and nurses failed to check blood pressure 20% of the time. Of the 2000 patients who were checked, 726 had elevated blood pressure scores; however, 87% of these findings went unremarked and unrecognized by the medical staff.
Pediatrics, June 2010
Diet: Junk Food and Disney.
Junk food ads will be banned from The Walt Disney Company’s TV channels, websites and radio stations that are targeted at kids. Disney added that it is the first media company to take such action. Children watching shows on its ABC network will no longer be exposed to fast food and sugary cereal ads that do not meet the company’s nutritional standards. Disney says its guidelines match those issued by federal authorities (more vegetables and fruits, and a reduction in sodium, sugar and saturated fat intake).
Christian Science Monitor, June 2012
Exercise: Pain Relief?
Exercise helps to alleviate pain related to nerve damage (neuropathic pain) by reducing levels of certain inflammation-promoting factors called cytokines. This supports exercise as a potentially useful non-drug treatment for neuropathic pain. In experiments, exercise reduced abnormal pain responses by 30-50%.
Anesthesia & Analgesia, June 2012
Chiropractic: Effects Of Motion.
Patients with DJD (degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) participating in conditioning exercises showed significant improvement in endurance, grip strength, and flexibility.
Arthritis & Rheumatism, 1984
Wellness/Prevention: Reduce Indoor Air Pollution.
Cooking with gas burners on stoves and in ovens can produce unhealthy levels of indoor air pollution. These pollution levels can be higher than those encountered in heavily polluted outdoor air. Simply turn on the range exhaust fan and cook on the back burners to minimize your exposure.
Environmental Science & Technology, June 2012