Mental Attitude: Unhappy Relationships May Drive Suicidal Thoughts.
Being in a relationship does not always protect people from having suicidal thoughts. A study of 382 Austrian adults found that middle-aged people who were unhappy in an existing relationship with unresolved relationship conflicts were more likely to have suicidal thoughts than those not in a present relationship. The researchers add that the greater the number of unresolved conflicts in a relationship—such as issues with communication, personal habits, sexuality, and housework—the greater the likelihood of suicidal thoughts, feelings of hopelessness, and depression. On the other hand, the study found individuals in a happy relationship had the lowest risk of suicidal thoughts. Researcher Dr. Benedikt Till explains, “Data so far clearly show that a person’s suicide risk is lower if he/she is in a relationship. However, the recent study suggests that the level of satisfaction with the relationship is also important.”
The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, July 2016
Health Alert: Dosing Errors Common with Liquid Medications for Children.
According to laboratory experiments, four out of five parents made at least one dosing error when using either a dosing cup or an oral syringe when dispensing liquid medication to their children. Researchers asked over 2,000 parents of children age eight or younger to measure nine doses of liquid medication. The results revealed that parents gave the wrong dose 43% of the time when using a dosing cup and 16% of the time when using an oral syringe. Furthermore, more than two-thirds of the dosing errors involved overdosing. The findings are concerning as dosage for children is based on weight and too much or too little could place a child in danger. Parents need to pay more attention to measuring the correct dosages, such as pouring the liquid medication into a dosing cup, and then drawing it up into an oral syringe to double check they are administering the correct amount.
Pediatrics, September 2016
Diet: Teens May Benefit from Sugary Drink Warnings.
Currently, the average teen in the United States consumes a least one sugar-sweetened beverage daily, which accounts for more than twice the recommended daily serving of sugar. In a recent study, researchers observed the beverage selections of 2,000 youngsters when drinks had either no label, a label that featured calorie content, or a label that carried variations of a written warning that sugary beverages contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay. The team found that 77% of kids selected a sugary drink if there was no warning label, but participants were 8% to 16% less likely to select a sugary drink that bore a warning label. The authors say the findings highlight the need for nutrition information at the point of purchase to help individuals make healthier choices.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, September 2016
Exercise: Active Teens More Likely to Get Sleep.
Using data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2011-2013, researchers report that adolescents who are more physically active and who spend less time in sedentary activities are more likely to sleep more than eight hours per night.
Preventing Chronic Disease, September 2016
Chiropractic: Chiropractic Patients Get Back to Work Faster.
Does the type of healthcare provider you see first have an effect on how quickly you can recover from back pain following a work injury? An analysis of data from 5,511 workers injured in 2005 revealed that those who initially consulted with a doctor of chiropractic for their work-related back injury—versus a medical doctor or physical therapist—returned to work more quickly and were also less likely to experience a second episode of back pain during the following two years.
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, September 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Preventing Dry Skin.
To combat dry skin, the American Academy of Dermatology suggests the following: take a shower and shampoo your hair after swimming; use sunscreen before going outdoors; avoid using deodorant or antibacterial body washes; keep your bath or shower water warm, not hot; use a fragrance-free moisturizer as soon as you get out of the shower or bath; and turn your thermostat up a few degrees if your home feels dry.
American Academy of Dermatology, September 2016