Mental Attitude: Trees Promote Mental Well-Being?
Questionnaires completed by nearly 47,000 city-dwelling adults revealed that living in a neighborhood with more tree cover is associated with less psychological distress and better general health.
JAMA Network Open, July 2019
Health Alert: Diabetes Increases Heart Failure Risk.
A review of health records concerning more than 12 million adults indicates that individuals with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes have an elevated risk for heart failure, especially female diabetics.
Diabetologia, July 2019
Diet: Too High / Too Low Blood Sugar Is Bad for the Heart.
The results of a twenty-year study involving nearly 10,000 Chinese adults suggest that having a resting blood glucose reading that is either too high (over 126 mg/dl) or too low (under 60 mg/dl) is associated with double the risk for cardiovascular disease-related mortality. Chronic Diseases & Translational Medicine, June 2019
Exercise: Exercise During Pregnancy Can Boost Baby’s Health.
Children born to women who engaged in aerobic exercise during pregnancy appear to have better motor skills at one month of age than kids whose mothers did not exercise during their pregnancy. The researchers speculate that exercise may aid fetal brain development by boosting the flow of blood and oxygen to the womb.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, August 2019
Chiropractic: Back Pain Linked to Pelvic, Hip, and Knee Dysfunction…
Examinations of forty young adults, half of whom had low back pain, revealed that those with back pain were more likely to exhibit increased pelvic tilt, knocked knees, and reduced hip extension. Though the study was unable to determine the nature of the relationship between low back pain and such alterations, these findings highlight the importance of examining the whole patient and not just focusing on the area of chief complaint; otherwise, treatment may not yield a satisfactory outcome for the patient.
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, August 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Keep Your Teen Driver Safe.
Safe Kids Worldwide reports that six teens are killed in motor vehicle accidents every day in the United States. To help prevent these accidents, the organization encourages parents of new drivers to do the following: be a good role model when driving; always use a seatbelt; set clear expectations about your family’s driving rules; define zero-tolerance rules for speeding, alcohol, and texting; limit the number of passengers allowed in the car with your teen; make sure your teen gets enough practice in a variety of road conditions.
Safe Kids, August 2019