Health Alert: Button Batteries Are an Increasing Hazard to Kids.
Researchers report that two times more children made a trip to the emergency room after accidentally eating a button battery between 2010 and 2019 than during the preceding two decades. When swallowed, button batteries generate an electric current, which can trigger a harmful reaction that can cause serious injury, even death.
Pediatrics, August 2022
Diet: Breastfeeding Offers Heart Protection for Mom.
The American Heart Association reports that women who breastfeed at least one child have a 15% lower risk of heart disease and a 12% reduced risk for stroke later in life than women who do not breastfeed.
American Heart Association, August 2022
Exercise: Exercise and Heart Failure Risk.
An analysis of health records on more than 94,000 adults revealed that engaging in more than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (or 75 minutes of high-intensity physical activity) a week can reduce the risk for heart failure by more than 60%. Study author Dr. Frederick explains, “There are many potential ways that regular physical activity may reduce the risk of developing heart failure… For example, physical activity helps prevent weight gain and related cardiometabolic conditions, such as high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes, all of which are risk factors for heart failure. Regular physical exercise may also strengthen the heart muscle, which, in turn, may prevent heart failure from developing.”
Circulation, August 2022
Chiropractic: Ankle Proprioception and Chronic Low Back Pain in the Elderly.
Proprioception is the body’s ability to sense where its various parts are in relation to one another for purposes of movement and balance. Examinations of older adults with and without chronic low back pain revealed that those with chronic low back pain were more likely to have impaired ankle proprioception. The findings suggest a possible link between abnormal motion of the ankle and pain in the lower back. This highlights the importance of examining the whole patient—something doctors of chiropractic are trained to do—to address all potential contributing causes for the patient’s chief complaint.
Neuroscience Letters, August 2022
Mental Attitude: Family History of Mental Illness Increases Risk for Postpartum Depression.
Following a review of data from 26 studies, researchers report that women with a family history of a psychiatric illness are at twice the risk for developing postpartum depression.
JAMA Psychiatry, August 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Know the Signs of Sport-Related Concussion.
Each year, more than 173,000 children and teens receive treatment for concussions or other traumatic brain injuries, often related to sports collisions. If a player is suspected to have sustained a concussion, it’s imperative to remove them from play and other activities and to have them evaluated by a healthcare professional as soon as possible.
Ochsner Health, August 2022