Health Alert: Fatty Liver Disease May Increase Risk for Heart Failure.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition that occurs when fat accumulates in the liver from causes other than excessive alcohol consumption, and it is associated with a number of poor health outcomes. Following an analysis of national health survey data from 2005-2018, researchers report that NAFLD patients are 3.5 times more likely to develop heart failure than individuals with healthy liver function.
American Heart Association, November 2022
Diet: A Low-Carb Diet Might Raise Type 2 Diabetes Risk.
Past research has shown that a low-carbohydrate diet can lower the risk for type 2 diabetes, but a recent study suggests this may not always be the case. Researchers analyzed data concerning over 200,000 adults and found that individuals on a low-carb diet featuring protein and fat that is primarily from animal-based sources had a 35% increased risk for type 2 diabetes.
American Heart Association, November 2022
Exercise: When Is Exercise Too Intense for the Heart?
When exercising, it’s important to elevate your heart rate enough to get a good workout, while not too high as to place unnecessary stress on the heart. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends keeping your heart rate below 85% of your maximum heart rate, which is calculated by subtracting your age from the number 220. For example, a 50-year-old man should keep their heart rate under 144.5 beats per minute.
WebMD, November 2022
Chiropractic: Managing Non-Specific Chronic Neck Pain.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of data from 119 studies concluded that a combination of active and/or passive non-pharmacological interventions—such as those provided by a doctor of chiropractic—is an effective approach for the management of non-specific chronic neck pain.
Journal of Physical Therapy, October 2022
Mental Attitude: Why Children May Learn Quicker Than Grown-Ups.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is responsible for inhibiting the excitability of brain cells and balancing the neuronal activity required for healthy brain function. With the aid of state-of-the-art neuroimaging, researchers observed that GABA levels are lower in children, which may help to explain why kids can learn new concepts faster than adults.
Current Biology, November 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Six Dangerous Habits Young Drivers Should Avoid.
To improve road safety, Safe Kids Worldwide recommends that teen drivers avoid the following dangerous driving habits: not wearing seat belts, texting while driving, riding with two or more teenage passengers, drinking and driving, driving at night, and speeding.
Safe Kids Worldwide, November 2022