Mental Attitude: Sleep Vital for Concussion Recovery in Kids.
Among a group of 356 youth athletes who had suffered a sport-related concussion, researchers observed that those who experienced trouble sleeping were not only less likely to recover during the following 2-4 weeks but they also reported more severe symptoms. First author Dr. Jane Chung writes, “The importance of good sleep quality is often underestimated in young athletes… Sleep is not only important for physical, mental, and cognitive well-being, but also seems to play a pivotal role in the recovery of the brain following a sport-related concussion.”
American Academy of Pediatrics, November 2018
Health Alert: Instant-Soup Burns Sends Thousands of Kids to ER Yearly.
Instant soups can provide a quick meal for kids, but these food products can also lead to scalding burns. Researchers analyzed data from 2006 to 2016 and found that burns associated with instant soups and noodles affect more than 9,500 children each year with about 40% of these burns occurring on the torso. The investigators note these burns are most likely due to kids spilling hot soup or water on themselves when picking up a hot container.
American Academy of Pediatrics, November 2018
Diet: Cottonseed Oil May Help Lower Cholesterol.
University of Georgia researchers have found that a high-fat diet enriched with cottonseed oil significantly improved cholesterol profiles in 15 healthy, normal weight men who ate high-fat meals for five days in two separate trials. Specifically, the participants experienced an average decrease of 8% in total cholesterol while on the cottonseed oil diet, along with a 15% decrease in low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol), a 30% decrease in triglycerides, and an 8% increase in high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol). Researcher Dr. Jamie Cooper adds, “One of the reasons these results were so surprising is because of the magnitude of change observed with the cottonseed oil diet… To see this amount of change in such a short period of time is exciting.”
Nutrition Research, November 2018
Exercise: Exercise Can Reduce Effect of Some Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions During Pregnancy.
Researchers analyzed data from 32 studies that included over 52,000 pregnant women and found that while exercise did not reduce their risk for low back pain, pelvic girdle pain, or lumbopelvic pain either during pregnancy or in the postpartum period, being physically active did lessen the severity of these musculoskeletal conditions when they occurred.
BMJ Sports Medicine, October 2018
Chiropractic: Manipulation & Exercise Helps Seniors with Neck and Back Pain.
Back pain and neck pain are common causes of disability among older adults. In this study, researchers observed that among a group of 182 seniors with back pain or neck pain, those who participated in a twelve-week treatment program that involved a combination of spinal manipulative therapy and rehabilitative exercise experienced significant improvements in disability.
Arthritic Care & Research, October 2018
Wellness/Prevention: Importance of Ear Wax.
Ear wax is naturally produced in the ear canal. Over time, it gradually travels to the opening of the ear, where it falls out or is removed when bathing. For some individuals, ear wax can build up in the ear, impairing hearing and requiring removal by a healthcare provider. According to the Nemours Foundation, here are some of the functions of ear wax: it protects and moisturizes the skin to help prevent dry and itchy ears; it contains special chemicals that help prevent infection; and it acts as a shield for the eardrum, protecting it against dust, dirt, or other objects that enter the ear.
Nemours Foundation, October 2018