Celiac disease is a condition that affects one in every hundred Americans and is responsible for sufferers’ inability deal with gluten (a protein that’s found in rye, barley, and wheat) during digestion, which can lead to malnutrition or even osteoporosis. Here at Lean Healthy Life, Dr. Eric Lane has been helping people with celiac disease (also commonly known as gluten intolerance) deal with their symptoms for many years. We’re happy to offer you safe and all natural treatments that can gently but effectively solve your problems at their roots. When you come in for your personalized celiac disease consultation we’ll explain the whole process in more detail, but for now, take a look at this overview of the disease and some of the treatments we offer to fight it.
Some Background Information About Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder, which means that your immune system is confused and fights against your body. With this condition, when you eat foods with gluten, your white blood cells begin to attack the lining of your small intestine. Normally, your intestines are lined and bumpy with thousands of small fibers called villi. However, the celiac disease will eventually render them smooth.
The Symptoms of Celiac Disease
The most common symptoms associated with this disorder are weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and general fatigue; however, celiac disease is also responsible for a host of symptoms that don’t necessarily have to do with your digestive system. Here’s a short look at some other signs that you might be living with celiac disease:
- Insomnia and other sleep disorders
- A general “brain fog”—times when you just can’t seem to think clearly
- Depression and anxiety are common among patients with undiagnosed celiac disease
- Neuropathy (numbness or tingling in your arms and legs)
We know that the symptoms of celiac disease can be complex and varied among person to person, and that’s why we’d love for you to stop in for a specialized consultation. At that time, we can discuss your personal and medical history to best determine the correct plan of action. Dr. Lane and the entire team here at Lean Healthy Life are ready to set you on the path to overall health and general wellness with proven and safe all-natural treatments. Isn’t it time you got on the right path to a better life? Call us at 520-742-7785, or send an email to support@leanhealthylife.com to schedule your appointment today.